Ali Khan (Sufi)

  Part of a series of articles on
Universal Sufism

Inayat Khan · Pirani Ameena Begum · Maheboob Khan · Mohammed Ali Khan · Musharaff Khan · Samuel L. Lewis · Fazal Inayat-Khan · Vilayat Inayat Khan · Hidayat Inayat Khan · Zia Inayat Khan
Sufi Order International · International Sufi Movement · Sufi Ruhaniat International

Pir-o-Murshid Ali Khan (1881 – 1958) was the leader of the Sufi Movement from 1948 until his death in 1958. He was a second cousin of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the grandson of Inayat's grandfather and therefore according to Indian custom considered a brother.

Ali Khan apart from Indian classical music, received training in European music, and played the trumpet trombone and bagpipes. As a young man, he was also keenly interested in physical culture and wrestling, which, in the words of the Biography of Hazrat Inayat Khan, "prepared him to become an iron wall to stand in support of Inayat against many opposing influences."

In the West, Ali Khan continued his musical career, receiving training in operatic singing from Mme. Emma Nevada, who recognized great potential in his tenor voice, and even appearing on the stage of La Scala.

Ali Khan possessed a natural gift of healing, a gift which was developed immeasurably through his deep devotion. There are many stories of friends and mureeds receiving help from his touch, his glance, or by prayers and absent healing, but in reply to their thanks he would humbly point to heaven and say, 'Not I. God.'


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